Monday, February 21, 2011

Grace for a Thorn?

As one suffering from a chronic illness, for many years I read Paul’s account in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 describing his thorn in the flesh, hoping for comfort and encouragement. Yet when I read “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor. 12:9a NASB), I felt let down and disappointed. Was God leaving me to my own resources to get through? Weakness? Got plenty. But where was the power? And what is this grace that is sufficient? I ended up with more questions than answers.
In the past two years, God has started me on a journey to show me His grace. Wow! What a difference. He never left me to my own resources but invited me to use all of Him. The power was all about Christ in me, ready and able to live through me—weakness and all. His grace offered in lavish abundance was His continuing gift to me. Nothing was about any resources I possessed.
Living in grace isn’t just about coping with a chronic illness, either. It changes my perspective in every area of my life—major decisions and minor irritations alike. I invite you to join me as I continue the journey and share what I’m learning. I’ll be sharing insights about my journey of grace, learning to live the “abundant life” with a chronic illness, doing some book reviews, and writing comments on Bible verses that are meaningful to me. I’d like your feedback as we journey in grace together.


  1. What fun to be part of your journey, learning many of the same lessons with you. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

  2. I blog on SparkPeople. Guess you will have to visit mine there. God is in time, on time, every time!

  3. Looking forward to the journey. And when you change the blog name, put a post on here to redirect people. So glorious is his grace, even when we don't feel it.
    Love you,
